Tuesday, May 31, 2011
13 Cara Aman Berselingkuh

2. Hapus segera sms² dari dia Begitu menerima sms dari dia, segera hapus, bahaya banget kalo nnggak segera dihapus, kalo pacar suatu saat buka HP bisa berabe tuh!!
3. Kalo lagi nerima telfon, jangan panik, biasa aja!! Begitu dapat telfon dari dia terutama saat kita sedang berdua sama pacar, jangan panik, biasa aja. Kalo perlu jangan meninggalkan atau bergeser dari dia. Bisa curiga lho!!
4. Jujur ke selingkuhan kalo kita udah punya pacar Ini hal pertama harus kita lakukan, jadi dia nggak bakal nuntut kita macem². Kalo dia ngga mau nerima keadaan kita yg udah ngga single, berarti dia ngga mau jadi selingkuhan kita.
5. Jangan selingkuhan sama yg dia kenal juga Ini perlu, pasalnya kalo ternyata pacar dan selingkuhan pernah kenal, selingkuhan kita pasti punya beban tersendiri, bisa² dia merasa bersalah karna telah merebut pacarnya.
6. Punya SIM CARD lebih dari satu
Mumpung kartu perdana ngga mahal, ngga ada salahnya kamu punya nomor lebih dari satu. Kalo perlu HP juga dua, yg satu khusus untuk pacar yg satunya lagi khusus utk selingkuhan.
"Upss tapi buat yang nggak mau pasanganya selingkuh nih aku kasih saran celana dalam anti selingkuh! buat pasanganmu, di klik yah!"
7. Jangan terlalu mengenal keluarganya Bukan apa² kalo kamu sudah mengenal keluarga dan temannya, ngga menutup kemungkinan teman ato sodaranya kenal sama pacar dia yg asli, kalo diaduin bisa bubar khan??
8. Prioritas pertama tetap pacar lho!! Biar punya selingkuhan, pacar tetap yg utama lho, jangan sampe hubungan yg kalian lebih dulu dan lebih lama buyar karna selingkuhan, apalagi kalo selingkuhan cuma utk have fun aja.
9. jangan hangout di tempat yg sama Ini penting nih, bukan apa², siapa tau saja, pelayan ato tukang parkir di sana mengenali kita, trus kalo suatu saat dia melihat kita ke sana dgn orang yg beda, bisa jadi pertanyaan orang banyak tuh!!
10. Kasih kode ke dia Begitu kita mau berdekatan dengan pacar, baiknya segera sms selingkuhan agar ngga sms ato ngga telfon² kita, dengan begitu kita ngga harus bingung dan dia pun juga ngerti kenapa kita ngga bisa jawab telfon dan smsnya.
11. Punya panggilan sayang yg sama kalo kamu ingin mempunya panggilan sayang ke pacar dan ingin memanggil selingkuhan dengan panggilan sayang juga, ada baiknya panggilan itu disamakan, jadi kamu ngga bakal kaku dan ngga akan salah nyebut.
12. Jangan naruh foto² selingkuhan di HP Yg pasti kalo ketahuan sama pacar, ini bisa jadi bukti otentik perselingkuhan kamu. Makanya, jangan sesekali nyimpan foto selingkuhan di HP deh, apalagi kalo kamu sering menaruh HP di sembarang tempat.
13. Jangan berubah sikap ke pacar Kalo biasanya kamu ngga romantis, jangan tiba² kamu jadi romantis lho, dia bisa curiga kok kamu berubah sikap. Dia pasti akan menduga kalo kamu berbuat manis karna kamu punya salah.
sumber http://fathur-net.blogspot.com/2010/05/tips-aman-selingkuh-cara-selingkuh.html
Proses Penyambungan Jari yang Putus

sumber http://unic77.blogspot.com/2010/05/extreme-pernah-liat-gan-jari-putus-di.html
Kompetisi Aksi Paling Bikin Semangat, Berhadiah 100 juta!
Banyak orang cuma bisa ngomong tapi tidak bisa buktikan teorinya.
Kalo anda bukan orang yang NATO.. Ini ada tantangan menarik buat anda yang berani buktiin kalo anda atau tim anda bukan cuma bisa ngomong doang aka ‘no action talk only’!
Ada kompetisi ide kreatif nih di http://www.aksisemangat.com/ buat memotivasi masyarakat Indonesia buat lebih produktif, dengan hadiah total 100 juta Rupiah! Namanya Aksi Indonesia Produktif!
Ajakan atau motivasi yang dikompetisikan bisa kegiatan/gerakan/kampanye, yang dapat:
- Memotivasi anda dan orang lain sekitar anda untuk kerja lebih semangat ngelakuin yang terbaik dalam segala aktivitas
- Ngajak anda dan orang lain disekitar anda buat aksi nyata yang sarat inspirasi, edukasi “Menuju Masyarakat Indonesia yang Produktif”
- Bikin campaign yang terintegrasi di online dan offline
Kompetisi ini mengajak anda dan tim untuk menerima tantangan menciptakan satu kampanye Semangat Indonesia Produktif. Coba lihat contohnya seperti tokoh-tokoh di video ini!
Kalo di video tadi perorangan, anda bisa bikin idenya bareng temen-temen atau komunitas. Dengan trick/kreativitas komunikasi multi arah, yang mampu gerakkan warga kota atau komunitas untuk bergabung di dalamnya. Kampanye dinyatakan berhasil jika tercipta satu keterikatan. Dan keterikatan paling nyata adalah jika anda dan tim bisa gerakkan mereka.
Syarat dan ketentuan kompetisi nya bisa anda liat di http://www.aksisemangat.com/ atau follow @aksisemangat, dan FB fan page Aksi Semangat.
Yuk buruan masukin proposalnya, jangan sampai ketinggalan deadline entry proposal tanggal 19 Juni 2011!
Buktikan aksimu! Mari berkolaborasi bikin bangsa kita lebih semangat menuju #IndonesiaProduktif!
10 Tempat Penyimpanan Teraman di Dunia
Berikut adalah daftar 10 tempat penyimpanan teraman di dunia yang didasarkan pada titik koordinat lokasi, serta kekuatan keamanan yang menyertainya.
1. London Tower.
Tempat ini adalah sebuah bangunan kuno yang terletak di Inggris, Dulunya, bangunan ini adalah kediaman keluarga raja inggris sebelum akhirnya pindah ke istana Buckingham. Di dalam bangunan ini tersimpan banyak peninggalan pusaka kerajaan inggris, seperti mahkota emas St. Edward, mahkota Kohinoor” milik ratu Elisabeth dengan berlian seberat 109 karat dan tongkat kerajaan dengan “bintang dari Afrika”, berlian asahan terbesar di duni, semuanya disimpan dalam bangunan rahasia bawah tanah yang dilapisi plat baja. Ditambah dengan pengamanan super ketat dari pasukan kerajaan Inggris yang selalu siap menjaga tempat ini.

2. Sealand.
Bangunan ini sebenarnya adalah bekas benteng pertahanan udara pasukan inggris di masa perang dunia. Letaknya ada di berada 10 km di lepas pantai Suffolk Inggris. Sealand merupakan daerah istimewa yang dikepalai oleh seorang raja, bahkan ada yang menyebut bahwa sealand adalah negara terkecil di dunia. Letaknya yang jauh dari pemukiman ditambah dengan pengamanan dari pasukan inggris (letak sealand ada di daerah teritori kelautan negara Inggris) membuat lokasi ini menjadi tempat penyimpanan yang sangat aman. Bahkan perusahaan penyimpanan data terkenal Haven Co mempercayakan data simpananya di tempat ini.

3. Granite Bunker.
Granit bunker adalah sebuah bunker penyimpan data yang terletak di Salt Lake City, negara bagian Utah Amerika serikat. Bunker ini dijadikan sebagai tempat penyimpanan data penduduk oleh pemerintah Amerika serikat. Bunker ini boleh dibilang adalah bunker teraman, karne terletak di 200 meter di bawah gunung granit, dan lagi pintunya adalah logam seberat 12 ton, jadi mustahil untuk dapat mencuri data di tempat ini.

4. Norad Central.
Norad central adalah sistem pertahanan angkatan udara Amerika serikat. Sistim pertahanan ini berupa gua seluas 18.000 m2, sedalam 600 m dibawah batu karang besar. Ruangan terbesar seluas 14 x 180 m dengan tinggi 18 m dengan 2 gerbang logam seberat 25 ton sebagai pintu masuk. Masih ada lagi 15 gedung bawah tanah, sebagian berlantai-3. Gedung-gedung di dalam norad ini dilindungi oleh 1.319 pelat baja masing-masing seberat 450 Kg. Sehingga kecil kemungkinan untuk dimasuki penyusup.

5. Bold Lane Parksafe
Inilah tempat penyimpanan mobil paling aman di dunia, kalo anda mau parkir mobil yang paling aman, datang saja ke bold lane parksafe. Bold lane Parksafe bukanlah tempat parkir biasa, tapi sangat luar biasa. Karena di setiap sisi ruangan pasti ada ratusan kamera pengintai, ditambah lagi dengan ratusan alat sensor gerak yang sangat sensitif. Bagitu ada tanda yang sedikit mencurigakan, maka petugas keamanan Bold lane Parksafe yang sudah terlatih akan langsung mengecek keadaan.

6. Fort Knox.
Fort Knol adalah gudang emas batangan Amerika Serikat yang terletak dikawasan militer Kentucky, AS, dan dijaga oleh ratusan tentara. Di dalam gudang ini tersimpan ribuan batangan emas dan dokumen berharga, salah satunya adalah naskah salinan asli piagam magna Charta. Gudang ini dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan yang sangat ketat, pintu masuknya adalah baja dengan berat 2o ton, sedangkan pintu utama gudang dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan kombinasi angka dimana hanya beberapa orang saja yang mengetahuinya.

7. Area 51.
Area 51 adalah salah satu area paling tertutup di dunia, area ini sangat dijaga ketat oleh tentara amerika. menurut kabar burung, disini sedang diteliti UFO dan mayat makhluk luar angkasa.Di sini pula Amerika serikat mengembangkan teknologi pesawat tempur yang canggih, dan banyak sekali dokumen militer AS yang disimpan di sini. Tak heran jika area yang berada di daerah gurun Nevada ini menjadi salah satu tempat teraman di dunia.

8. Data Fortress.
data fortress adalah bunker penyimpanan data yang terletak di pegunungan Alpen Swiss. Bunker ini adalah bunker penyimpanan data milik perusahaan Mount 10 yang digunakan untuk menyimpan berbagai dokumen rahasia milik pemerintah, militer, Bank, dan lembaga keuangan dari seluruh dunia. Keamanan bunker ini sangatlah ketat, di berbagai sudut area telah dipasang ratusan kamera pengintai, sensor gerak sensor bunyi.

9. Florence Prison.
Tempat ini adalah penjara super ketat yang ada di daerah Colorado Amerika serikat, pen jara yang menampung sekitar 400 tahanan. Penjara ini adalah tempat bagi napi-napi dengan pelanggaran yang berat, tak heran jika keamanan penjara ini sangatlah ketat. Para napi dikurung di dalam 1000 bangunan baja dengan sensor penginderaan jarak jauh. Dan lagi di sekitar luar pagar penjara telah menanti ratusan anjing pelacak yang siapa mengejar para tahanan yang mencoba kabur.

10. Air Force One.
Air Force one adalah pesawat kepresidenan Amerika serikat. pesawat jenis Boeing 747-200B ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas keamanan luar biasa, mulai dari alat pelacak sensorik, peralatan komunikasi kedap suara, alat penetralisir gelombang elektromagnetik, serta sistem keamanan yang sangat canggih 9tahu sendiri kan Amerika serikat). Pesawat ini bisa mengisi bahan bakar di udara, jadi bisa melayang-layang selama seminggu penuh.
sumber: http://serba-sepuluh.blogspot.com/2010/05/daftar-10-tempat-penyimpanan-teraman-di.html
Monday, May 30, 2011
Extreme Body Piercing

I’m not a huge fan of scarification; even so I will try to keep it as neutral as I can….
You can basically divide the scarification process in 2:
1) Branding (scarification through burns, from heat and others; the definition of the world branding is literally:
-an identifying mark burned on livestock with a branding iron.
-mark with a branding iron; disgrace, condemn
-Mark of ownership of an animal
-Product identification
There are basically 2 types of branding, “strike” (is when the artist take a piece of metal and repeatedly burn the skin over a drawing) and “cautery” (is when the artist uses a cautery pen to burn the image on the person’s skin).
2) Cuttings (fine scarification using a thin blade, and to this process you can add colour using tattoo ink, sometimes it can include the removal of skin patches).
Ok, now you know the difference between branding and cutting…….
Let me share a bit more with you:
If you decide to choose cutting the procedure will be more or less like:
- topical anaesthetic is first applied to the skin
- the design is drawn with ink onto the desired area
- The artist then traces the design’s outline with a scalpel on your skin, you do not have to worry at this point, it will be a fairly shallow cut.
- After the out line the artist will apply more anaesthetic and wrap your skin for few minutes (not because he thinks that you are a wimp), but it helps the blood diversion, and make easier to work.
- Depending on the size and the amount of work involved the process can take something like 4 hours of: cutting, anaesthetic applying, wrapping and waiting until the volume of blood decrease.
If your choice is branding, the process is more or less like marking cattle (did you ever see it on TV and thought ,” poor animal”, ok so we are speaking the same language here; anyways the procedure goes more or less like so:
- You choose the image that you want (try to keep in mind that after burning the human tissue tents to expand quite a bit, and as the name say, you will be inflicting a third degree burn on your skin).
- try to stick with simple designs, you should know that the results vary quite a bit, and no artist can predict for sure how thick or thin the scar will be, it depends on each one of us healing process. Simpler the design easier is to predict the results that you will get.
- Try to choose a flat are of your body, preferably away from bones and vital organs
- The looks of the scar depend also of the how long the blade will be in contact with the skin, the artist should never apply pressure to it, in order to get a heavier scar the artist have to keep the blade in touch with your skin for longer.
No, you want a very elaborated image, sure, no problem at all, I actually agree with you, once you are doing something at this level do it well……but those designs have to be very well panned on paper and after well shaped on the metal blade, the shapes should be between 1 to 3 inches long, so the iron can retain the heat long enough to make a clean and even strikes. Is a good idea to have the artist to place the blades on your skin to check if all the surface of the blade is in contact with your skin evenly.
Before starting the process you should ask the artist to test the blades, just to be sure that is all ok, and you wont have problems with metal distortion, caused by an uneven distribution of heat thru the metal or by the metal to be to thin or to small. The artist should test the blades on a piece of metal to find out the perfect balance between heat and pressure, so he won’t have to perform the tests on you!!!! Is not really the best of the options use your body as test piece.
The artist should have at least one assistant to hold on to the propane torch.
One last thing, before you start with your scarification:
The area that you will get it done has to be extra clean….not only the area but the surroundings as well (I know that it sounds like stating the obvious, remember at this moment you are nice and comfy reading this article, but if you decide to go under the scarification process you be under some pressure and forgetting small things can cause a large impact after)
The interesting part of the scarification process is that the healing process is a huge part of how your scar will look after. No one can guarantee 100% how your scar will look after healing, but you should really try to avoid getting it infected.
How? Not that simple….
First be sure that you got it done in a clean and professional place, do not think that because scarification was used by primitive tribes and cults, that you can get it done by your sisters friend that is a famous dominatrix….look for places that are experienced, have a portfolio with works previously done and also try to find an artist that will explain to you all the process in a way that you feel really comfortable about what you are doing.
If your choice was the cutting scarification:
The caring process will include tons of cleaning, meaning after around 6 hours you will have to remove the bandage, and wash the place with cool water and soap, rinse it and gently pat dry it. You will need to do it 2 or 3 times daily, for the first 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of the scarification and the place that you got it done; it usually takes between 6 to 8 weeks for the primary healing and few months for you to get the true final result.
There is also something called agitation of the scarification, it is used to intensify the looks of your scar, if you want it to have a larger amount of scar tissue on it or not. The cute part of this process is that the most used method of doing it is doing something that your mother probably told you do not do your whole life, picking at the scabs that will form…The other way is a bit more, how can I put it, intense, you will have to rub the area with a soft toothbrush dipped in hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol……..and if you really are up to it, you can do them both first picking the scab and after brushing it, lovely, just keep in mind that you have to do it gently………being rough or over picking it can damage the looks of the final image…..by the way, only do the agitation after few days that you got it done, do not rush things, please……..and also feel free to call the artist if you have any question, I’m sure that he wont think that you are an idiot if you do not know exactly what to do and how to do.
You choose the branding:
You also will have a large amount of after caring to do, such as:At the studio still the artist should put an anti-bacteria cream on it, cover it up with a sterile pad and get it held in place by surgical tape.You will probably have to apply the anti-bacterial cream for 3 days, and after that you will have to clean the place around 3 times a day with hydrogen peroxide, you can stop covering the brand after 3 days that you got it done.
In the case of branding, you will have to keep in mind what your mother always told you, do not pick the scabs!!!!!!!!!!!!! And after every shower clean it with hydrogen peroxide. Brands take an average of 3 to 12 weeks to heal (just reminding you: branding is a 3 degree burn on your skin), so please do not forget to be gentle and very careful while cleaning it.
Just a small note here:
I did try to be as neutral as possible while writing this article…….I’m sorry if I could not….I never got a scarification so I’m giving you the view of a person that researched and wondered for few weeks about the subject…If you have any comments to add please do so…
Top 10 Questions about Body Piercing

1. I want to get a body piercing. How much will it cost?
The cost of a body piercing varies depending on several factors, including where you’re located, how close to a major city you are, and what kind of piercing you’re having done. Generally the more difficult the piercing, the higher the cost. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for as well, so don’t depend entirely upon cost to choose your piercer. If a piercer is charging significantly under the market cost in your area, he may be cutting corners in areas he shouldn’t, such as sterilization and other safety procedures.
On average, the cost of piercings fall somewhere in these ranges:
- Ears (lobes, cartilage, etc.).....anywhere from $25-$50
- Navel...................................$45-$55
- Tongue.................................$45-$55
- Labret..................................$50-$60
- Eyebrow................................$40-$50
- Nipple...................................$45-$55
- Nostril..................................$45-$55
- Genital..................................$75-$100
2. Does it hurt?
In simple terms, yes. Does it hurt much? Most people will tell you, “No, not really.” It’s usually more like a pinching or popping sensation than anything. The sensation of pain is relative—some people feel it more than others. The adrenalin rush of the piercing usually means the pain in minimal.
After the initial pain when the needle goes through the piercing, you may feel some dull pain or an aching sensation for a few hours, which can be relieved with an over the counter pain reliever. One piercing that does hurt a bit more than others is the tongue piercing, which will swell and be sensitive for a few days. Ice chips and popsicles will help soothe the pain of this kind of new piercing.
3. How long does it take a body piercing to heal?
The healing time for a body piercing varies depending upon what you’ve had pierced. Some parts of the body heal more quickly than others. For instance, if you pierce your earlobes, you can expect them to heal within two months and be ready for jewelry other than the original piercing jewelry.
The belly button is in an area that heals slowly, however, because it’s right where the body twists and turns, which slows the healing process. It also doesn’t get as much air circulation because it is covered much of the time. It can take up to six months or even a year for a belly button piercing to heal completely.
Some general healing times are:
- Ear lobes..........6-8 weeks
- Cartilage...........4-8 months
- Eyebrow...........6-8 weeks
- Nostril..............3-4 months
- Septum.............6-8 months
- Labret..............2-3 months
- Tongue.............4-6 weeks
- Nipple..............4-6 months
- Navel...............5 months-1 year
- Genitals............6 weeks-6 months
The better you care for a body piercing, the more quickly it will heal, so be sure to discuss the proper care of your piercing with the piercing professional who does your body piercing to ensure a quick, clean piercing and you will heal in the least amount of time possible.
4. How can I tell if a piercing is infected, or it’s just normal healing stuff?
All body piercings will have some drainage during the first several days. This is because you have basically given your body a puncture wound, and your body will bleed for a while, and then have drainage of some fluids as it heals. These fluids are actually good for you, as they keep the area moist and clean and will wash away some of the dirt and germs that might otherwise stay in the area.
Bleeding should stop within a few hours or the first day and be only small amounts. Often it will look watery. Drainage will be mostly a clear, watery discharge, although it can sometimes be somewhat white in color. The drainage will form “crusties” around the jewelry that can be washed off with warm, soapy water when you clean your piercing each day.
A piercing is infected when the discharge is either green or yellow. Also, if the area becomes swollen or inflamed again after the initial swelling has subsided. Any time you see green or yellow pus or discharge; you should see a doctor and get appropriate medical treatment. It won’t necessarily mean you have to remove your piercing; you may simply have to take a course of antibiotics. If the area becomes red and inflamed with red streaks radiating out from the area, see a doctor right away.
5. What should I look for in a good body piercing studio?
A good body piercing studio must first and foremost be clean, clean, and clean! The most common cause of infection is piercings is simple exposure to germs, so look for a piercing parlor that is very strict about its cleanliness and sterilization procedures. They should have a separate room where nothing else is done but piercings.
They should always have an operational autoclave, which is a wet steam sterilization unit that is to be used to clean and sterilize all tools and equipment used during piercing. They should also pierce only with single-use, disposable needles that are pre-wrapped. Ask them if this is what they use, and insist that the needles not be opened until they are actually ready to do your piercing so that you can confirm they are sterile-wrapped.
Look for experience and qualifications. Have all the piercers been through an apprenticeship program? If so, for how long did they train and where? Also make sure they are licensed to operate a piercing studio by their state’s department of health. In most states this is now mandatory. Also check the date to make sure it isn’t expired. Finally, look for a certificate of membership in a professional society such as the Association of Professional Piercers, an organization that supports safe and professional piercing practices and offers extensive ongoing training.
6. Why can’t I just pierce myself?
You can pierce yourself, but it’s not really a good idea. It’s simply too hard to keep the area in your own home (or wherever you happen to be) clean and sterile enough. You also may have trouble lining up and placing a piercing squarely where you want it, and if you lose your nerve half-way through the piercing, you’re stuck with it half done.
If you do it at home, you’ll probably do it on an impulse, which will mean you won’t have the right tools. Piercing needles are incredibly sharp in order to reduce the pain and make a good, clean cut. No matter how sharp that sewing needle is at home, it’s not as sharp as a piercing needle, so it will hurt more, bleed more, and may not heal as cleanly.
7. What should I clean my piercing with?
Today most professional piercers agree that the best way to clean a fresh piercing is with a mild antibacterial soap. These should not contain perfumes or dyes, which can irritate a piercing and lead to discomfort or an allergic reaction. There are a few on the market that are specifically designed for body piercings, including Provon® and Satin®.
After cleaning, you should follow up with a sea salt water soak. Sea salt is available at natural health stores, piercing and tattoo studios and a variety of other stores. The sea salt solution helps soothe the area and draw impurities out of the wound to promote faster healing. H2Ocean is an excellent pre-mixed sea salt solution that can be sprayed on for ease of use. It’s highly recommended by many professional piercers and is convenient especially if you’re traveling or on the go.
8. What kind of jewelry should a piercing be done with?
A body piercing is, in the simplest terms, a puncture wound, so you want to use a high quality metal that won’t react with your body chemistry to create an allergic reaction or contaminate the open wound.
Never use cheap or base metals to get a body piercing. The best metals to use are titanium or surgical steel, both or which are essentially inert and won’t react with your body. In some cases, you can use high quality gold, but even this sometimes creates a reaction because of the nickel content, so do be cautious.
Once a piercing is completely healed, you have more leeway on what you can use, but if you are at all nickel sensitive, you will probably always have to stick with surgical steel and titanium for your body piercings, unless you are using alternatives such as glass, which is completely non-reactive and safe for nearly everyone.
9. What causes migration? Is it the same as rejection?
Rejection is a more severe form of migration. Migration is when a body piercing begins to move through the flesh because the body is trying to force it out of the skin and get rid of it. In some cases, the body only partially succeeds, and the piercing “migrates” so that it ends up being crooked or misaligned.
When the body completely forces a piercing out of the body, it is called a “rejection,” because the body has completely rejected the piece of jewelry, basically “spitting it out.” This is because any piercing jewelry is a foreign object that the body sees as an invader to be gotten rid of, especially if the piercing is poorly done so that the jewelry aggravates the skin tissues.
10. What if I want to become a professional piercer?
Behave responsibly. Visit a few piercing parlors that you know are top quality and ask about internship programs and other options. Order some videos that take you through the introductory steps of piercing and educate you on the process of proper preparation and sterilization. Many of the larger piercing websites offer these video series’ at a reasonable cost.
You should also take courses in first aid in blood borne pathogens and other illnesses that are commonly transmitted by needles. Many of these courses are offered through community colleges or local hospital extensions. The most important thing is to be fully trained and completely experienced in all manner of piercing before setting yourself up as a piercer on your own—both for your own legal protection and the safety and well-being of those who come to you for body piercing.
The Association of Professional Piercers (www.safepiercing.org) is an excellent source of information on how to get started as a professional piercer.
In Conclusion
Body piercing and wearing body jewelry should be an informed choice, not a snap decision. If you have been thinking about getting a body piercing, talk to others who have done the same and get their feedback. Ask them if they are happy with the results and for their suggestions on good piercing studios. Ask yourself if you’re ready for the commitment to proper care and the expense of a body piercing.
Remember that a body piercing is a form of body modification that will affect how others perceive you. Obviously, this is part of the appeal for most people. However, the reactions will be mixed, and you should keep in mind that while some people will love it, others will not. So think through the consequences of body piercing thoroughly before you proceed. Then, if you decide its right for you—follow the tips above for a safe, attractive body piercing you’ll be proud to wear!
Exist Body Piercing In Europe And USA

Body Piercing Aftercare and Healing Essentials

Non-oral body piercing aftercare
Keeping your piercing clean can’t be stressed too much! It just can’t. Twice a day, every day, without fail. No excuses. Use a mild antibacterial soap that doesn’t have fragrances in it, such as Provon® Antimicrobial Lotion Soap or Satin® Therapeutic Skin Cleanser, both of which are approved by the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). The best place to clean your piercing is usually in the shower, where the warm water will help you loosen and remove those crusties around the base of your jewelry. Use a cotton swab or a Kleenex to remove these, and then throw the swab or Kleenex away. Never use a washcloth –- these things are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria! The same for bath towels after your shower!
Then, with clean hands, gently cleanse the area with the soap and turn the jewelry so that the soap gets in the piercing and let this sit for a minute or two. After rotating it again, rinse thoroughly with warm, clear water. Make sure you get all of the soap out to prevent irritation. The rinsing is very important, so try to be thorough without irritating the area. It often helps to cup your hands and drizzle water over the area, since the shower stream can be a little too hard to aim directly on the area.
Don’t forget your sea salt soaks
After cleansing, a sea salt soak helps to draw out any piercing infection and impurities while soothing the area and calming any inflammation that may be present. Mix about ¼ teaspoon of sea salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Using a disposable cup, soak your piercing in this for ten minutes the first time, and five minutes each time after that. If your piercing is in a location that makes this difficult, apply the solution with cotton swabs, tissues or some other disposable product that’s soft and clean. Never use a hanky, washcloth or any other item that is going to be reused.
Always pat your piercings dry with cotton balls, cotton swabs or tissues –- don’t rub them, pat them. This reduces irritation and possible tearing of the skin and helps promote healing. Although it seems to be a minor step, keeping your piercings dry is actually an essential part of piercing aftercare because it reduces the opportunities for bacteria to breed (they love a warm, moist place to play).
If you aren’t sure about mixing your sea salt soaks properly or it’s too inconvenient, there’s a new alternative on the market that’s less messy and is portable. H2Ocean® Piercing Aftercare Spray is a pre-mixed sea salt solution containing lysozyme, a natural antibacterial that is gentle to the skin. Simply spray it on the area and allow to drip dry; it’s easy to use because of their patent-pending compressed air delivery system that produces a fine mist. This product is guaranteed to heal navel piercings in only a month and a half if used regularly and is highly recommended by numerous piercing communities like BME and Prick magazine.
H2Ocean® also comes in a portable size for your pocket or purse, which makes piercing aftercare away from home easier. X-pressions Piercing Aftercare Spray is also available for both oral and non-oral body piercings and is a mild antibacterial solution with purified water in a non-aerosol, pump spray with a pleasant, peppermint flavor.
Once a day (not more often, because you’ll be unnecessarily irritating the area), check that the ends of your piercing jewelry are firmly screwed on. But wash your hands with antibacterial soap first.
And now, a few “don’ts”
- Don’t ever put hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on a piercing -- they are too drying and will delay healing.
- Don’t ever use Neosporin on a piercing -- it can actually trap bacteria. Read the label; it actually says, “Not for puncture wounds.” Guess what? A piercing is a puncture wound.
- Don’t ever remove your piercing jewelry before the piercing is completely healed, which may take months or up to a year. If you suspect a piercing infection, see your piercing professional or doctor first.
- Don’t sleep on your piercing until the initial healing phase is over.
- Don’t wear tight clothing over your piercing during the initial healing phase.
Oral piercing aftercare
During the first three to six weeks after an oral piercing, rinse your mouth with an antibacterial agent after every meal to kill bacteria and make sure not tiny food particles aren’t lodged around your piercing just waiting to fester and turn into problems later. There are several excellent products on the market for this, including APP recommended Biotene and Tech2000 Dental Rinse; these have the proper ingredients and have the right potency to get the job done without being too strong.
Don’t bother with mouthwash, because it’s not strong enough to do anything but cover your bad breath, which won’t be much consolation when you have a swollen, tender tongue because of improper aftercare. You can also use a commercial antibacterial rinse, but dilute it so that it isn’t too strong. If your tongue develops a whitish or yellowish look, your mouth rinse is too strong and will slow healing.
Sea salt rinses … ahh!
Mix the familiar warm water solution of 8 ounces water to ¼ teaspoon sea salt and swish this in your mouth for 15-20 seconds after drinking anything other than water and after smoking. It’s not only an aid to healing, but can be very soothing to the pierced area. If your oral piercing is sore or swollen, you can find some relief by allowing crushed ice to melt in your mouth. Popsicles, ice cream and the like also work, but will need to be followed up, like everything else, with a sea salt rinse (or H2Ocean®).
Brush, brush, brush
You can keep your tongue and piercing as clean as you want, but if you don’t brush your teeth well, you’ll still have millions of bacteria in your mouth. Try to brush your teeth three times a day during the first several weeks of healing. Buy a new soft-bristle brush that will be gentle on your piercing. Don’t use a brush that you’ve already used before your piercing, as it will harbor old germs. You should also gently brush the balls on the ends of your piercing jewelry to prevent the natural build-up of plaque on your jewelry.
Oral piercing “don’ts”
- Don’t smoke, chew gum or use snuff or rub during the healing period; these increase the risk of piercing infections astronomically.
- Don’t play with the piercing jewelry or click it against your teeth; this can cause cracking of your tooth enamel.
- Don’t engage in any activities, including kissing, that exchange body fluids during the initial healing period of several weeks.
General tips to improve healing success
Proper piercing aftercare is the primary reason for a successfully healed body modification, but your overall health and how well you take care of yourself is also a contributing factor. If you are run-down or your immune system is compromised, you will not heal as quickly and you will be more prone to infection. For that reason, you should keep in mind a few things whenever you have any kind of piercing in order to help ensure that your piercing aftercare measures are given the best chance of success:
- Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Eight glasses of day at the very least.
- At least eight hours of sleep a night
- Try to limit the amount of stress in your life
- Vitamin C and Zinc supplements to help speed the healing process
- Lots of fruits and vegetables, and a multi-vitamin if needed
- If the pain bothers you, take Ibuprofen. If you are comfortable, you are less likely to fidget with the piercing.
Signs of trouble
Even with excellent piercing aftercare, there will be some swelling at the site of a piercing for a few days. You’ll also have some clear, watery discharge and perhaps some mild bleeding. The bleeding will usually stop within 24 hours, while the discharge may last for several days or weeks. This is simply drainage of the wound and actually helps prevent piercing infection.
Signs that the piercing is in trouble include:
- Discharge that becomes noticeably thicker and is yellow or green in color. This is a sign or infection and should be checked by a doctor.
- Inflammation that lasts longer than a few days, with redness and irritation. See your piercing professional or doctor.
- Red streaks from the piercing site and a fever, along with body aches. See your doctor.
- Hives, redness, itching and irritation around the piercing, which may signal an allergic reaction to the piercing jewelry. Your piercing professional can try replacing it with an alternative metal.
- Difficulty breathing or wheezing after your piercing, or a feeling that your mouth or throat are swelling closed. Seek emergency attention immediately!
So how long does all this healing take?
If you perform your piercing aftercare properly, your body piercing will heal cleanly and leave you with a beautiful new piercing with no scarring, migration or keloids. The time it takes to achieve this, however, will vary depending upon what kind of piercing it is.
The general timeframes listed below are just for reference. All of these depend upon your individual body’s response, how much stress you are under and a thousand other variables.
Earlobe or Eyebrow: 6 – 8 weeksGenitals: 4 weeks – 4 months ..Labret/Lip: 6 – 8 weeksNavel: 6 – 18 monthsNipple: 3 – 6 monthsNostril: 3 months – 1 yearSeptum: 6 – 8 weeksTongue: 4 – 6 weeksCartilage: 3 months – 1 year....
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The History of Body Piercings

Egyptian body piercings reflected status and love of beauty
The earliest known mummified remains of a human that was pierced is over 5,000 years old. This worthy gentleman had his ears pierced with larger-gauge plugs in his ears, so plugs may be one of the oldest forms of body modification there is! We also know that the Egyptians loved to adorn themselves elaborately, and even restricted certain types of body piercings to the royal family. In fact, only pharaoh himself could have his navel pierced. Any one else who tried to get a belly button ring could be executed. (Tell that to Britney Spears!) Almost every well-to-do Egyptian wore earrings, though, to display their wealth and accent their beauty. Elaborate enameled and gold earrings frequently portrayed items in nature such as lotus blossoms.
Body piercings are also mentioned in the Bible. In the Old Testament it’s obvious that body jewelry is considered a mark of beauty and wealth, especially for Bedouin and nomadic tribes. In many cases, body jewelry was given as a bridal gift or as part of a dowry. It is clear that piercing was a sign of status and attractiveness in Biblical times.
Romans were practical piercers
Romans were very practical people, and for them piercing almost always served a purpose. Roman centurions pierced their nipples not because they liked the way it looked, but to signify their strength and virility. It was a badge of honor that demonstrated the centurion’s dedication to the Roman Empire. As a symbol, it was important and served a specific function, unifying and bonding the army. Even Julius Caesar pierced his nipples to show his strength and his identification with his men.
Genital piercing through the head of the penis was performed on gladiators, who were almost always slaves, for two reasons. A ring through the head of the penis could be used to tie the organ back to the testicles with a length of leather. In gladiatorial combat, this prevented serious injury. With a large enough ring or bar, it also prevented the slave from having sex without the owner’s consent. Since the gladiator was “property,” a stud fee could be charged to another slave owner for the highly prized opportunity to raise the next generation of great fighter.
Making love or war, piercing makes it better
Going across the ocean at around the same time, the Aztecs, Maya and some American Indians practiced tongue piercing as part of their religious rituals. It was thought to bring them closer to their gods and was a type of ritual blood-letting. The Aztec and Maya were warrior tribes, and also practiced septum piercing in order to appear fiercer to their enemies. Nothing looks quite as frightening as an opponent sporting a huge boar tusk thrust through his nose!This practice was also common among tribes in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Some of the materials commonly used were bone, tusks and feathers. Hundreds of years later, French fur trappers in Washington State discovered American Indian tribes who wore bones through their septum and called them the Nez Perce, meaning “Pierced Noses” in French. It’s interesting that civilizations separated by thousands of miles and even centuries often developed a love for the same kind of body piercings to enhance certain features, isn’t it?In Central and South America, lip labrets were popular for purely aesthetic reasons – women with pierced lips were considered more attractive. In fact, the holes were often stretched to incredible size as progressively larger wooden plates were inserted to emphasize the lips as much as possible. (Kind of like collagen today). The Aztecs and Maya also sported lip labrets of gold and jade, many of them elaborately carved into mythical or religious figures or sporting gemstones. These were seen as highly attractive and to enhance sexuality.
As the world moved into the dark ages, interest in piercing died down somewhat and the medieval church began to condemn it as sinful. For a few hundred years, Western civilization abandoned the practice. As the Renaissance went into full swing, however, interest in piercing began to pick up again.
A new era and a new interest in body piercings
Sailors became convinced that piercing one ear would improve their long-distance site, and so the site of a sailor with a gold or brass ring became common. Word also spread that should a sailor be washed ashore after a shipwreck, the finder should keep the gold ring in exchange for providing a proper Christian burial. Sailors were both religious and superstitious, so they generally spent a lot for a large gold earring to hedge their bets.
Men became much more fashion-conscious during the Renaissance and Elizabethan eras, and almost any male member of the nobility would have at least one earring, if not more. Large pearl drops and enormous diamond studs were a great way to advertise your wealth and standing in the community. It could also designate royal favor if your earring was a gift from a member of the royal family.
Women, not wanting to be outshone by the men in all their finery, began to wear plunging necklines, with the Queen of Bavaria introducing the most outrageous, which consisted of not much at all above the waist. In order to adorn themselves, women began piercing their nipples to show off their jewelry. Soon they began wearing chains and even strands of pearls draped between the two.Men and women both discovered that these nipple piercings were also delightful playthings in bed, adding sensitivity to the breasts and giving the men both visual and tactile stimulation. Men began getting pierced purely for pleasure as well. While not entirely mainstream, piercing of the nipples and, occasionally, the genitals, continued to hold interest for members of the upper crust of society in Europe on and off for the next few hundred years.
The next resurgence of interest was, surprisingly, during the Victorian age, which is usually seen as very repressed. Prince Albert, future husband of Queen Victoria, is said to have gotten the penis piercing that is named after him in order wear the tight-fitting trousers so popular at the time. The ring could then be attached to a hook on the inside of one pant leg, tucked safely away between the legs for a neat, trim look. Although we have no record of Victoria’s response to the piercing itself, there is ample evidence she was wildly in love with her husband and almost never left his side after their marriage!
Soon, Victorian men were getting Prince Albert's, frenums and a variety of other piercings purely for the pleasurable sexual effects, and women were doing the same. By the 1890’s, it was almost expected that a woman would have her nipples pierced. In fact, some doctors at the time suggested it improved conditions for breastfeeding, although not all agreed. It was an interesting double standard –- plenty of people were doing it, but no one was talking about it.
Modern-day body piercings
In the last hundred years or so, body piercings in the Western world have mostly been limited to the ears, a standard hold-over from the fact that both men and women wore earrings during Elizabethan times. The Puritan movement did away with men wearing earrings, however, and it didn’t really regain popularity until recently.
Nose rings found new interest when young people (they were called hippies then) from the U.S. began traveling in India extensively looking for enlightenment in the 1960’s. They noticed the nostril rings that most women had been wearing there since the sixteenth century. In India, this was a form of traditional, accepted adornment and was often linked to an earring by a chain. For rebellious teens from America, it was a great form of rebellion.
After bringing nose piercings back to the U.S., the interest in body piercings of all kinds quickly caught on during the 1980’s and 1990’s. Celebrities, sports stars and singers all began sporting a variety of piercings. Soon, high school students and even stay-at-home moms were flashing new body piercings. And the rest, as they say, is history!
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9 Cara Redakan Sakit Hati Setelah Putus Cinta

Tak ada orang yang tidak merasakan sakit setelah putus cinta, terlebih lagi jika kita berada di pihak yang diputuskan kekasih. Untuk beberapa orang, putus cinta bahkan bisa meninggalkan luka mendalam yang sulit hilang dan berlangsung lama.
Putus cinta memang menyakitkan, tapi cobalah untuk tidak terjebak dalam kesedihan berlarut-larut. Dilansir Your Romance Guide, ada sembilan cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk meredakan sakit hati setelah putus cinta:
1. Jangan Bertemu dengan Mantan Kekasih Sementara Waktu
Setelah putus cinta, hindari bertemu atau berhubungan dengan mantan kekasih Anda. Perasaan sayang yang masih ada mungkin mendorong Anda untuk menelepon, mengirim pesan teks atau bertemu dengannya. Tapi tindakan ini justru akan mengingatkan sakitnya putus cinta. Anda harus benar-benar putus hubungan dengan sang mantan, setidaknya untuk beberapa bulan untuk menyembuhkan sakit hati.
2. 'Nikmati' Rasa Sakit Itu
Adalah hal yang sangat wajar ketika kita kehilangan seseorang yang dicintai. Saat merasakan sakit, itu berarti sebuah tanda bahwa Anda sedang dalam proses penyembuhan. Menangislah jika Anda ingin menangis, dan berteriaklah jika memang itu bisa membuat perasaan sedikit lega. Rasa sakit setelah putus cinta bisa menginspirasi Anda untuk mengerjakan sesuatu yang lebih baik, yang tidak pernah Anda lakukan sebelumnya.
3. Menyibukkan Diri
Cara terbaik menyembuhkan luka karena putus cinta dan melupakan mantan adalah dengan menyibukkan diri. Anda tidak akan memikirkan mantan kekasih jika tidak memberi kesempatan otak untuk mengingatnya. Cobalah aktif terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan. Pilih aktifitas yang Anda senangi. Tidak hanya menyegarkan pikiran, banyak beraktifitas juga mengalihkan pikiran Anda dari sang mantan.
4. Curahkan Kesedihan Anda Hanya Kepada Teman Dekat
Boleh saja menceritakan bagaimana sakit hatinya Anda setelah putus cinta. Tapi bukan berarti Anda bisa membicarakannya ke setiap orang yang Anda temui. Bukannya bersimpati, tindakan ini justru bisa membuat teman-teman menjauhi Anda. Bijaklah dalam menyikapi 'tragedi' putus cinta Anda. Bicaralah hanya pada teman atau orang yang dekat dengan Anda, cukup mengerti Anda dan mau mendengar setiap keluh kesah. Akan lebih baik lagi jika orang tersebut bisa menenangkan, mencarikan solusi dan mendorong Anda untuk melanjutkan hidup.
5. Tumpahkan Perasaan Anda dalam Tulisan
Menumpahkan semua kekesalan dalam tulisan bisa jadi alternatif lain untuk meredakan sakit hati akibat putus cinta. Keluarkan semua rasa sakit, frustasi dan kemarahan Anda dalam buku harian, secarik kertas atau komputer (tapi jangan menyebarkannya ke grup email atau jejaring sosial). Setelah sembuh dari masa
lalu menyakitkan, Anda bisa membacanya kembali sebagai alat introspeksi untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih baik dengan pasangan berikutnya.
6. Meditasi
Meditasi adalah salah satu tehnik lama untuk relaksasi dan mengendurkan pikiran yang tegang. Duduklah dengan tenang di dalam kamar, tutup mata, ambil nafas dalam-dalam, dan keluarkan secara perlahan. Sambil relaksasi, Anda bisa menjauhkan hal-hal negatif dari pikiran Anda. Nyalakan lilin aromaterapi dan musik instrumental untuk menambah perasaan tenang saat relaksasi.
7. Beri Perhatian Pada Keluarga
Orang tua, kakak maupun adik mungkin adalah orang-orang yang berpengaruh besar pada kehidupan Anda. Mereka akan selalu berada di sisi Anda saat senang maupun susah. Saat menjalin hubungan asmara dengan mantan kekasih, mungkin Anda tidak menyediakan banyak waktu untuk keluarga. Inilah saatnya Anda banyak mencurahkan waktu dan berkumpul bersama keluarga. Coba ajak mereka rekreasi, atau sekedar makan malam bersama. Kehangatan keluarga merupakan obat paling manjur untuk menyembuhkan luka.
8. Fokus pada Karir
Jangan sampai kesedihan mengganggu performa kerja Anda. Mungkin akan sulit berkonsentrasi kerja saat kita didera masalah. Tapi cobalah untuk menjadikan karir sebagai prioritas dalam hidup Anda. Dengan fokus dalam bekerja, tak hanya membantu Anda melupakan sakit hati, tapi juga meningkatkan performa kerja Anda di kantor.
9. Nikmati Kesendirian
Sembuh dari sakit karena putus cinta memang bukan hal mudah. Karena itu, Anda butuh waktu menenangkan diri untuk beberapa lama. Jangan langsung mencoba jalin hubungan baru setelah putus cinta untuk pelarian.
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Black women short hair styles

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